
OpcUaWebServer provides different ways of installation.

Source Code

To compile and install the OpcUaWebServer from the source code, you should meet the following requirements:

The ASNeG Demo Server is only used for testing the OpcUaWebServer. For this reason the installation of the ASNeG Demo Server is optional.

To install the requirements, follow the instructions in the following documents.

Linux (Ubuntu or Debian)

To compile the source code and install OpcUaWebServer locally, you should run in the root directory of the sources:

$ sh -t local -s ASNEG_INSTALL_DIR

ASNEG_INSTALL_DIR is the path where ASNeG OPC UA Stack is installed.

By default, the server is installed into ~/.ASNeG directory. You can change it with option -i (run sh for more details).

Now the OpcUaWebServer can be started.

$ export PATH=$PATH:~/.ASNeG/usr/bin
$ OpcUaServer4 ~/.ASNeG/etc/OpcUaStack/OpcUaWebServer/OpcUaServer.xml

The OpcUaWebServer provides the following communication interfaces:

  • HTTP interface on port 8080
  • Web Socket Server on port 8081
  • Web Socket Gateway on port 8082


To compile the project, you should install MSBuild Tools, then run in the environment which is suitable for your target platform (e.g., Native x86) the following command:

$ build.bat -t local

If you would like to build x64 version, you should set the suitable CMake generator for your environment with option -vs. For example:

$ build.bat -t local -vs "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64"

By default, the server is installed into C:\ASNeG directory. You also can change it with option -i:

$ build.bat -t local -i C:\another\path\to\install

Now the OpcUaWebServer can be started.

$ set PATH=%PATH%;C:\ASNeG\bin
$ set PATH=%PATH%;C:\ASNeG\lib
$ OpcUaServer4 CONSOLE C:\ASNeG\etc\OpcUaStack\OpcUaWebServer\OpcUaServer.xml

This example is for the default case where the stack and the server are installed in C:\ASNeG directory.

DEP Packages

You can install OpcUaWebServer by using a DEP package, which you can download `here <`_ or build yourself by the following command:

$ sh -t deb -s ASNEG_INSTALL_DIR

Then OpcUaWebServer is available for installation by the command:

$ dpkg -i OpcUaWebServer-x.y.z-x86_64.deb

OpcUaWebServer will be installed as a service, and you can check its status typing:

$ service OpcUaWebServer status

RPM Packages

Users of RPM distributives can install OpcUaWebServer by using an RPM package, which can be downloaded `here <`_ or built by the following command:

$ sh -t rpm -s ASNEG_INSTALL_DIR

Then OpcUaWebServer is available for installing by the command:

$ rpm -i OpcUaWebServer-x.y.z-x86_64.rpm

MSI Packages

On Windows, OpcUaWebServer can be installed with MSI packages. The MSI packages belong to two kinds: a usual package without ASNeG OPC UA Stack and a standalone package including ASNeG OPC UA Stack and the all needed dependencies. The usual package is more suitable for a machine with several OPC UA applications and you would like to update the stack and the dependencies for all of them. The standalone package is easy for distribution, so you don’t need to install anything except OpcUaWebServer.

You can download the packages `here <`_ or build them.

To build the usual package, use the command:

$ build.bat -t msi

For building the standalone one:

$ build.bat -t msi -S


You can use Docker image instead of installing the web server on you machine:

$ docker build -t OpcUaWebServer:latest .
$ docker run -d -p 8890:8890 -p 8080:8080 -p 8081:8081 -p 8082:8082 OpcUaWebServer:latest

If you want to run the server with the demo server as a data source, use docker-compose:

$ docker-compose run -d -p 8080:8080 -p 8081:8081 -p 8082:8082 webserver

Then open the link with your web browser.