WebSocket Gateway ================= The **WebSocket Gateway** provides a :term:`JSON API` via bidirectional WebSocket protocol for access to :term:`OPC UA` server :term:`Service`\ s. Its configuration starts with XML tag *WebSocketGateway* in **OpcUaWebServerModel.xml**. Default Configuration --------------------- .. code-block:: xml
8082 5000 3600000 on @CONF_DIR@/ssl/crt/websocket.crt @CONF_DIR@/ssl/key/websocket.pem
Configuration Settings ---------------------- +--------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | XML tag | Description | +================================+=============================================================+ | IP Address | IP address bound by the WebSocket gateway | +--------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Port | Port bound by the WebSocket gateway | +--------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | SSL | activates ("on") or deactivates ("off") the websocket | | | security. The SSL tag is optional. If the SSL tag is not | | | available, the websocket security is deactivated | +--------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | CSRFile | Name of the certificate file. The tag must be specified | | | when the websocket security is switched on | +--------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | KeyFile | Name of the private key file. The tag must be specified | | | when the websocket security is switched on. | +--------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+